Saturday, October 31

Sometimes i feel that love is a complete waste of time.
Sometimes i feel that love fills my life with happiness and joy.
Now,i feel that love is just nothing but a plain heartbreak.

I swear i am always unlucky in love.
I've tried my best to find the perfect soulmate, but none understand my wants and needs.
I've been waiting patiently,i've been making certain moves to show that i love someone,i've been doing a lot of sacrifices but i don't think guys appreciate my efforts.
Indeed,there are guys out there who wants to meet me up and i feel their sincerity.
But i doubt it will lead to anything but friendship.
So what if i make a lot of guyfriends? They won't like me for who i am.
They will comment me physically. They will critique on how i do things. But really,
who will accept me, flaws and all?
A guy with a sincere heart? Yah,right.

Its fun to have relationships at a young age because later on, you will find it easier to understand the opposite sex when you grow old.
Yup,growing old. You won't grow old with your friends. You will go separate ways. What you will grow old with is your lover.
Someone you can depend and trust on. Who will listen to your every story from work, every gossip you have, everything.
That someone will never find you boring.
Lovers who got married and never had an affair before,*claps hands* i applaud you.
For being so faithful and keeping on that promise when they have made their vows during
their weddings. (Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww)

From that,i would like to conclude one thing. Is there such thing as love?
Why have not i felt the real deal before? Is it because i'm still young?
True love comes naturally. I'll wait for that. But....

I just want a person right now to grab me by the hands and look at me with gleaming, genuine eyes and say
"Usmah, you are the one who i've been looking for all this while.The girl with imperfection of which i never really cared about. You are the love of my life. I would like to spend the rest of my life with you and with you only. I swear on that. Will you be mine?"



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